At subzero temperatures of down to -8°C a pressure test with water has been carried out and furthermore the inspection pigging has been supported. Despite the cold weather, the final drying to a dew point of -25°C could be carried out in record time.
By applying the B2 method, the pressure test with water was carried out according to the standards of DVGW and VDTÜV and the pipeline was checked for tightness and density. The ultrasound pigging
serves for the determination of the wall thicknesses and for the detection of possible imperfections. The necessary ultrasound pig, we used, was provided by the specialist company NDT Global ( Due to the subzero temperatures, the subsequent drying with air has been a challenge as the exposed pipe parts were frozen. By means of our high-volume drying plants the pipeline was freed from the ice only within three hours and it was dryed to the necessary dew point.
Some project details: The pipeline 55.2, DN 200, carried out by the Erdgas Münster GmbH and having a length of about 2,800 m, as well as the necessary construction of the station Georgsdorf serve for the connection of the future production wells Adorf Z17 and Adorf Z18 of Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH to the existing pipeline network.
After the drilling for natural gas Adorf Z17 has currently been finished, now the procuction well Adorf Z18 has started. This is the fourth drilling at the storage site Adorf Karbon. The already existing wells produce local natural gas for about 100,000 households per year.